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The church is a congregation of the International Presbyterian Church, a denomination with churches in England, Scotland, and Europe.
This word was first used during the Reformation to describe Christians who rediscovered the good news that God rescues people from sin by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Evangelicals celebrate that salvation is an act of God alone, not a joint effort between God and man. The final authority for the evangelical is the word of God written, rather than church traditions, spiritual experiences, or human reason.
This word refers to the specific way the church is governed. It comes from the Greek word – presbuteros – which means “elder”, and is a system to make sure our elders continue to hold the statements of faith. It makes them accountable to a wider group of elders from other churches, who have the power to remove them should their life or teaching fall short of what the Bible requires of them. The specific way a presbyterian church works is set out in its Book of Church Order (BCO).