What brings true happiness?

We recently carried out some street interviews on Ilford High Street for our church youtube channel. We asked shoppers: “what brings true happiness?”. People gave a range of off-the-cuff answers – from “going to the gym”, to “helping others”, to “family”, and “job security”. Clearly, all those things can make us happy. Scientists have discovered the hormone Oxytocin, which they called the “love hormone”. Simple activities such as exercise, singing with others, or even touch can release it inside us and give us good feelings.

But, according to Jesus, and (if we’re honest) our own experience, there is something short-lived about these experiences of happiness. They don’t last. Jesus asked the question: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). I was particularly struck by one man’s honest answer to our question on the street. “True happiness”, he said, “I don’t know what it is”. Happiness is this elusive thing; the more you focus on getting it, the quicker it disappears, and slips through our fingers.

King Solomon in the Bible experimented with every kind of pleasure to try and find happiness. “Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I kept my heart from no pleasure” (Eccl 2:10). But the conclusion of his experiment was that it was like chasing the wind.

I wasn’t surprised by how few people answered our question with: “God”. Jesus said “the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and desires for others things choke the word” and stop us focussing on God. (Mark 4:19). But Jesus was very clear that true, lasting happiness cannot be found in created things, but only in the Creator. He taught the most important thing human beings can do is to “love God” (Mark 12:30). That’s why one famous Christian thinker described us all as having a “God-shaped hole” inside us.

The Bible teaches that our current attempts to find happiness are like a bride taking her wedding ring, falling in love with the ring, and ignoring the giver of the ring! Church doesn’t exist to just boost your mental health, or release more happiness hormones. It’s where we can actually encounter God, who has sent Jesus Christ, his Son to be Saviour. Jesus promises his people: “no one will take your joy from you” (John 16:22). Everyone is invited!