The most revealing meeting at church
Martin Buber said: “All real meaning in life is in meeting”. What’s the most revealing meeting at church? - Sunday morning? In almost every church I know, the best attended…
Martin Buber said: “All real meaning in life is in meeting”. What’s the most revealing meeting at church? - Sunday morning? In almost every church I know, the best attended…
In the last article we approached the idea of variations of reward and position in heaven. Maybe we’re a little suspicious of this heavenly-hierarchy idea. We get wary of the…
Earlier this year, we spent some time as a church thinking about what happens to us when we die. We thought about the final hope of Jesus’ resurrected, glorified people…
We need to regularly ask God to burst our Christian bubbles. People talk about the “Westminster bubble”. It means politicians and journalists are living in their own world of Westminster,…
It sounds like something straight from George Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth”. But it is in fact language that the Scottish parliament’s equalities committee are using as they explore out-lawing “conversion…
M asked a great question the other night at prayer meeting. In 1 Corinthians 1, Paul is explaining that the values of the cross up-end the values of the world.…
What guides your decision-making and daily living? How do you decide what time to get up? How do you decide what to eat for breakfast and lunch? How do you…
Here's an outline of a conversation I had after church a while ago: "Does the Holy Spirit speak to you personally?" “Yes”, I said. “Absolutely! He’s been speaking to me…
“Safe To Be Me” is the name of a conference the UK government are organising in 2022 to promote LGBT rights around the world. I think the conference title is…