What makes a good Christmas carol?
I’m sure we could draw up a list of answers to that question, but underlying them all is one bigger answer. It’s something called: Chalcedonian Christology. You probably think, “what…
I’m sure we could draw up a list of answers to that question, but underlying them all is one bigger answer. It’s something called: Chalcedonian Christology. You probably think, “what…
I think the lady in this quote puts her finger on something very important. “I’m a thirty-something with two kids living a more or less ordinary life. And what I’m…
Acts 2:42 tells us: “They devoted themselves to… the prayers”. What could that kind of devoted commitment to the prayers of the church look like for you? Here’s a lovely…
If you open up the BBC website, or look at the news in your Facebook feeds, most of the headlines you see tell you about trivia, like “Five people called…
On Sunday afternoon, we looked at Genesis 7, which tells us: “The flood is coming! Enter the ark!”. We saw that Noah’s flood is a picture of God’s coming judgment…
Q. What’s the opposite of light? A. Darkness. Q. What’s the opposite of male? A. Female. Q. What’s the opposite of Jew? A. Gentile. Q. What’s the opposite of holy?…
A striking feature of the church in Acts is the disciples’ commitment to praying together: Acts 1:12-14, “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer”. Acts 2:42, “they devote…
Why does the widower miss his wife so badly? Why does the mum love her children? Why does the infant desperately want his mum more than anything? Why do you…
The children of Isacchar “had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chr 12:32). "Understanding of the times" is a really good thing to pray for.…
"Come over to ... [Ilford!] and help us" (Acts 16:9). Are you moving to London for work? Are you looking to buy in London but wonder how you can afford…